What are people saying about Livingston Improvement District's work?
Joanne Gardner, Livingston Hoot Producer
When times are good, the LBID has been there for us. My husband and I produce the Livingston Hoot and the LBID was the first organization to donate to the Hoot - and have been with us year in and year out since then. They also led the charge in keeping downtown businesses informed on street closures and changes during the construction a few summers back and are now the front line on information about businesses and their plans for remaining open. The LBID draws us together in good times and bad. Their social media pages are my go-to for business information for Livingston, and their introduction to new businesses social media posts have been so helpful. I appreciate the signs that have been installed, they're just gorgeous. The LBID is the heartbeat of Livingston. We're so lucky to have an organization that is focused on connecting us all in good times and in hard times.
Dale Sexton, Dan Bailey's Outdoor Store Owner
"My business, Timber Trails, has been benefiting from the Livingston Business Improvement District's work since 2011 including a great banner, tackling graffiti tags, and I enjoy the fresh flower baskets and events they sponsor too. Overall the nonprofit group has improved historic downtown Livingston's visibility and promoted my business. I look forward to many more years of their services and advocacy."
Gavin Clark, Park County Community Foundation Executive Director
"The LBID was instrumental in helping to promote Park County Community Foundation's inaugural Give a Hoot campaign. Their downtown street banner program elevated and legitimized the campaign for both residents of Park County and the tourists that visited Livingston. There is not a better bang for our limited marketing dollars around. I intend to take advantage of this great service year after year."
Laura Bray, The Frame Garden Owner
"As a business owner, I appreciate the many efforts that the LBID spearheads or supports other organizations in doing to develop and maintain a healthy downtown. As a member of the Livingston Gallery Association, I was pleased that we were able to go to the LBID for help in sponsoring the downtown art walks. These are vital to the art community in Livingston and help to enrich many other businesses as well. In addition to drawing people from elsewhere to downtown, the art walks are also a strong community-building event. Through the support of efforts like the art walk, I feel the LBID is working for a thriving downtown Livingston."