Livingston Business Improvement District nominated our town for the Small Business Revolution and we were the first Montana town to make Top 10 Town in the Small Business Revolution out of thousands of larger towns around the nation. In early 2020, after their team visited with small business owners in the downtown area over the holidays, and thanks to all who got involved and shared their Livingston stories, we made it to the Top 5 town voting competition. The smallest town in the competition, we gave it our all with great enthusiasm, publicity, and thousands of votes from supporters all over. However, the town with the most votes and Season 5 winner is Fredonia, New York.
Livingston remains a town full of winners! From business owners, to town leaders, to loyal shoppers, to non-profits, to supportive friends and family... people from all walks of life make up the fabric of our unique and truly wonderful community. While not winning is difficult after working so hard to rally Livingston throughout this entire process, including the week of voting, we are humbled by the impressive efforts, enthusiasm, and commitment in support of our small business community.
When Small Business Revolution was originally launched, their team truly believed they were starting a movement – and they did. We have seen that movement gain momentum because of all of your efforts to highlight why Livingston is so unique and deserving of a revolution. Thank you for embracing the spirit of this competition and our intention is to use the Small Business Revolution as a catalyst for driving change, building business resiliency, and strengthening the sense of community and collaboration among our town and our small business owners.
Small Business Revolution has shared recommendations for ways to maintain momentum moving forward and included Deluxe’s Small Business Resource Center as an excellent source of advice and insights that would undoubtedly be helpful for our small businesses. Thank you all again and let’s continue the #mylivingston revolution!