About The Plan
Kicked off in late summer 2023, the City of Livingston’s Downtown Master Plan is a community-driven process aimed at creating a guiding, and cohesive, vision for the future of Downtown Livingston. As a step toward implementing the City of Livingston’s 2021 Growth Policy, the Downtown Master Plan will provide the community with strategies to promote high-quality development, economic vitality, and enhanced activities in the downtown area - preserving the historic charm Livingston is known for, while encouraging responsible growth.
Staff Report (377 KB)
Downtown Master Plan (15 MB)
Appendices (17 MB)
Public Outreach (101 KB)
Land Use Board Revisions (1 MB)
Public Comments (789 KB)
A consultant team, led by Crescendo Planning + Design – who is joined by Economic & Planning Systems and Robert Peccia & Associates – was selected to help lead the community engagement process, and contribute their expertise in downtown planning to this planning effort. In addition to themes and areas of focus that are identified by the community throughout the process, components of the Downtown Master Plan will include:
Identification of priority development / redevelopment projects in the planning area that include both “early win” and long-range opportunities;
A Housing & Parking Study specific to the Downtown study area;
Wayfinding guidance to help visitors navigate downtown more easily;
A Streetscape Improvement Plan;
Recommendations for plan implementation, including key partners and stakeholders;
And a summary of potential funding resources to create and sustain downtown revitalization and economic development identified in the Plan.
Map of Downtown Master Plan Study Area
Community Engagement
The most critical part of the Downtown Master Plan process, community engagement will be on-going throughout the planning process. We are seeking broad public participation and input into the process – including efforts to engage Park County residents living outside the City and visitors to the downtown – and the process is designed to allow for a variety of levels of participation. Methods of engagement will include opportunities to engage more actively in a variety of in-person settings – one-on-one calls and meetings, group sessions, a Local Business Owner’s Breakfast, public meetings, drop-ins at established community events, etc.; opportunities to participate actively or passively online via the website, surveys, and Zoom meetings; and opportunities to just stay informed about the process through the website, email distributions, informational flyers, etc.
From November 14th-16th, a series of Community Engagement Events were conducted - a URA Strategy Workshop, a Community Workshop / Charrette, a Business Owner Breakfast, and a Community Open House. For those that may not have been able to attend one of those events, it was followed by an online survey replicating the Emerging Ideas inputs that was live through the first week of January. There was strong community participation across all of these events, and those who participated provided incredibly valuable insight into their visions and desires for the future of Downtown Livingston.
To see PDF summaries of the inputs received from the Community Workshop / Charrette & Open House,
click on the cover images below! [Emerging Ideas inputs updated with follow-up survey results]
NOTE: Clicking cover image links will show a high-resolution PDF, which is a large file size;
if you would prefer a lower-resolution (smaller file size) PDF, links to those are shown below the images.
Now Updated with follow-up survey results!
To access a lower-resolution version of this PDF, click here.
To access a lower-resolution version of this PDF, click here.
To see a PDF of the notes from a SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis conducted by the participants at the Business Owner Breakfast, click here!
To see a PDF summary of the results of the Preliminary Visioning Survey from September, click here!
Press About The Downtown Master Plan:
11/28 - Livingston Enterprise - The Future of Downtown (PDF)
8/18 - Livingston Enterprise - Master planning survey open until end of August (PDF)
8/2 - KURL8 - Livingston starts work on downtown master plan (Link)
8/2 - KURL8 - Livingston sets scope for downtown master plan (Link)
7/21 - Livingston Enterprise - City asks public to take survey for master plan (PDF)
7/11 - Livingston Enterprise - City seeks to stimulate economic development (PDF)
7/6 - Livingston Enterprise - Master plan in the works for downtown Livingston (PDF)
Project Presentations:
11/15 - Joint Planning Board - Zoning Commission Meeting Presentation (PDF)
11/15 - Business Owner Breakfast Presentation (PDF)
11/14 - Community Workshop / Charrette Presentation (PDF)
11/14 - URA Strategy Workshop Presentation (PDF)
8/15 - City Commission Project Introductory Presentation (PDF)
Project Deliverables: