about the
The Livingston Business Improvement District (LBID) enhances the vitality of downtown Livingston by facilitating commerce, enhancing streetscapes, conducting maintenance and improving security and safety. The LBID is governed by a seven-member Board of Trustees and receives its funding through an assessment of the property owners (ratepayers) in the district.
The LBID is defined by Park Street to Geyser Street and from Third Street to the alley between B and C Streets. The District also includes properties just south of Geyser Street and properties to the west of Third Street between Park and Callender Streets. The unofficial count of commercial properties within the district is 131. (See District Map).
The purpose of this website is to enhance communication among LBID members as well as the public. Please contact us if there are any concerns or questions about LBID. View our Annual Report and Budget here.
The Livingston Business Improvement District (LBID) development process began in 2009 with the goal of enhancing the vitality of downtown Livingston by facilitating commerce, promoting investment, enhancing streetscapes, conducting maintenance, and improving security and safety for the downtown business district, the City of Livingston and the people of Montana.
In 2011, enough property owner signatures were gathered for LBID establishment and the Livingston City Commission approved the formation of a business district. Pursuant to MCA 7-12-1141, on December 15, 2020, the LBID was unanimously renewed by Livingston City Commission Resolution 4932 from March 2021 to March 2031. The BID was established according to Montana Code, specifically MCA Title 7, Chapter 12, Part 11. Bylaws have been updated to reflect Montana Code.
The LBID receives its funding through an assessment of the property owners in the district. As of 2021, there were 224 property owners within the District contributing to the tax base. The current LBID budget for enhancement, facilitation, promotion, and maintenance activities in the district is approximately $44,000 per year.
The mission of the District is to aid in the facilitation and strengthening of commerce, provide maintenance assistance, beautify and enhance streetscapes, improve security and safety, and stimulate development and vitality in Livingston's historic downtown district.
The District is governed by a seven-member board. Learn more here.
Since 2011, LBID has contributed to dozens of events within downtown Livingston, bringing visitors and locals from around the state to our streets and businesses. Events have include: Livingston GLOATS, the Annual Holiday Stroll, Livingston HOOT, Tap Into MT Brewfest, and LBID Meet and Greet Socials. Learn more about upcoming events here. LBID also nominated Livingston for the Small Business Revolution, and we were the first Montana town to make the Top 10 List and made it to the Top 5, beating out hundreds of larger towns around the nation.
Strategic Plan
After a successful first decade, LBID is building on our strengths and strategizing practical investments to enhance the vibrancy and resiliency of downtown Livingston and our community.
The 2021-2025 Strategic Plan outlines future vision and goals.